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CWT Work Tables

  • (image for) CWT 1736 Platinum Flatbed Applicator Table
    CWT 1736 Platinum Flatbed Applicator Table
    CWT 1736 Platinum Cut Work Table A robust model with built in electric lift operation (ELO), 4.5" roller height, wide side pockets for flex face material, side measurements and knife grove for cutting. Table Size 5'5" x 10'9" Overview CWT work tables are easy to use so there is no need for special staff, most people can operate the applicator within one hour with fantastic results. Our flat bed... CWT 1736 Platinum Cut Work Table A robust model with built in electric lift oper...
    Price Unavailable
  • (image for) CWT 1640 Premium Flatbed Applicator Table
    CWT 1640 Premium Flatbed Applicator Table
    CWT 1640 Premium Cut Work Tables Our most popular model. A very strong production machine built for working long shifts uninterrupted. It has everything you need, all the features, high production capacity, and a table surface that will accommodate a large number of standard sheets and roller widths currently available on the market. Table Size 5'3" x 13' Overview CWT work tables are easy to use... CWT 1640 Premium Cut Work Tables Our most popular model. A very strong productio...
    Price Unavailable
  • (image for) CWT 1640 Regular Flatbed Applicator Table
    CWT 1640 Regular Flatbed Applicator Table
    CWT 1640 Regular Our most popular model – a very strong production machine built for working long shifts uninterrupted. It has everything you need, all the features, high production capacity, and a table surface that will accommodate a large number of standard sheets and roller widths currently available on the market. Overview CWT work tables are easy to use so there is no need for... CWT 1640 Regular Our most popular model – a very strong production machin...
    Price Unavailable